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Reduce The Stress

Grab a lot of index cards and write a specific goal on each--anything you think of that you want to do. Arrange the cards so that the goals you MOST want to attain are on top, and the less essential goals go behind. Then, write deadlines on each of your top three cards, break each goal down into mini-goals, and schedule time to achieve each of them.Clean a bit each day. Obtain some index cards and write a cleaning task down on each. Place all of your cards in a box, and draw one each day--that's your cleaning task. Be sure to include some FREE DAY cards in your box. If you draw one of them, you don't have to do any cleaning for the day. Traffic delays occur for all sorts of reasons. If you discover you can't take your original route, you'll have to go another way. Know your alternate routes, before you leave your home or office. This way, you'll be able to allow for extra time. There are very few things you can do that will only take 5 minutes or less to complete. For example, you may think it takes 5 minutes to check your e-mail, but very often, it takes 15 minutes or more. Once you get into your e-mail program, dial up, read a few letters, perhaps respond to a few, and then close your program, that original 5 minutes often is long gone. Allow for more time than you think you'll need.